Wednesday, February 3, 2010

tahniah CLICQ..

last 19th-22th Jan 2010..

CLICQ - society of IT scientist UNITEN

have been successfully organized PC FAIR bertempat d DSS (dewan seri sarjana)

congrats guyz even though aku xmelibatkan diri aku bersusah payah, bertungkus lumus, memerah keringat, memerah peluh, mengabaikan class, xcukup tido, xcukup time nak stadi..

but believe me, u guys have done smthing that for me was so awesome!!!

tahniahh!!!u make me n all UNITENians proud..hidup COIT (college of IT)

and for me..

1. tahniah coz byk abes det time pc fair
2. tahniah bazirkan det byak2
3. tahniah coz i had supported u guys by spending a lot of my money
4. i am very proud of being one of the CLICQ members..hehe


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